About Us

Saturday 24 September 2016

Could We Make the Gunning District a “No Go” Zone for the Feral Fox?

Do You Know There Are Around 10,000 Feral Foxes in Our District?

That's right!  Some 10,000 foxes have been preying on vulnerable stock and wildlife in our area.  They are a huge environmental and economic menace, having driven many species to extinction.

Until now, efforts to remove the fox as an environmental threat have been patchy and spasmodic.  GDL wants to make a real and lasting impact on this problem. We have been working with South East Local Land Services to develop a more strategic attack on fox numbers across the Gunning district and surrounding areas.  

Let's Make the Fox a Rarity Around Here

We have set ourselves the ambitious but attainable long term goal of reducing the district fox population by 90% or more.  Foxes will always be with us but we know that if enough neighbors work together to eradicate foxes over a wide area then we can have a really significant impact on their numbers.  

We have established a network of group organisers and will be undertaking at least two major baiting programs each year. Our first group baiting was a huge success with over 5,400 baits going out over the district. 

Action on this scale has to make a difference. We won't transform our district into a fox free paradise for lambs and lizards overnight.  But we can make steady progress towards this very achievable goal through persistent and widespread action over a number of year.

If your property is 10ha or larger, please consider joining us.